Wednesday, February 27

Something to consider today.

I think that everyone usually has one day in their week that is make or break. What I mean by this, is that all it can take to ruin your week or turn it into a great week is a single moment going bad or well. Which, at least for me, can be kinda frustrating when that moment turns my week into what feels like a disaster. Thankfully, this week, I my moment happened last night and turned my week into a beautiful place to be.

Every Tuesday night, I am blessed to share in faith conversations with a Young Adult community at my church. Last night, one of the things we discussed was how we would describe the hands of God - which turned into a really cool, Spirit-filled conversation.

What we talked about though, is not as important or memorable as the experience of literally hearing God work through conversation and shared stories & ideas. It occurred to me this morning that those weeks or days that seem to turn sour come more as a result of my sinfulness and lack of willingness to acknowledge how holy and amazing the work of God in my life is. What a challenge to consider that right?!

I listen to music on Spotify a lot at work - today I am listening to Artist Radio based on Gungor (look them up if you have never heard of them before, they are one of my favorites!) - anyways - Matt Redman songs have been playing almost every other song on this channel. On his most recent album he has a song called "Holy". Every word of this song was so perfect to hear today. I looked up the story behind the song and in this story he makes this statement: "As christians we need to live with the whole picture in mind!"

Personally, I don't think anyone can hear those words enough. Considering the holiness of God, the power, the love, the promise of His return...we won't ever be able to truly grasp how great those things all are, but we can know that His holiness seeps into our lives. Every day.

I pray you seek to recognize that your days and weeks are beautiful reflections of His holiness.


Thursday, February 14

All of the love.

As promised yesterday, lots of picture updates on what I was up to the end of last month + so far this month! Lots of pictures of course, so enjoy sharing life with me :)

Since today is Valentine's Day, I also couldn't help but share this adorable video!



Picture + Update Time

 End of January = Youth trips like crazy! Took high schoolers on a Ski Trip up to Wisconsin - SO COLD - see picture below. Also got to take 8th Graders on a retreat to talk about our sexuality, great kids, AWESOME weekend!

Sr. Youth Ski Trip
After the 8th Grade Retreat, I drove straight up to Chicago for our Mid-Year Intern Gathering! This meant getting to see Adam again (3 times in one month was just amazing.). Bummer is that he came down with the flu the first day were there...He has since recovered, but it was a rough end of January for him!

Our date to Urgent Care
After Mid-Year was over, there was some down time, Adam was feeling a little better, so we spent time with one of our close friends - Ryan, who is also an intern. My last Thursday of January started with the two of them making me breakfast and only went up from there! Went on a Brewery tour and a Distillery tour. Fun stuff!

Brewery Tour

Distillery Tour

Very end of January into the beginning of February


*If you're a guy reading this, I won't be offended if you skip reading this part

While up in Chicago, I worked to make the most of being back in a city I love + where almost all of our wedding vendors are located. Visited our caterer, interviewed a handful of DJs, stopped by our reception site to go over a few decorating details in person, went to the hotel for our guests to talk through details again in person not over the phone which was so nice, finalized our ceremony location, and met with a florist. (I also got to spend quality time at 2 favorite coffee places - Caribou & Blue Max!). WHEW. Spent Wednesday afternoon/evening, all of Friday, and Saturday morning on Wedding related everything, I LOVED IT. 
Seriously. Being a bride is so much fun and planning big party for all our family & friends to celebrate Adam & I getting married is just exciting beyond words. :)

I. love. wedding. planning.

Back to the real world.

After being gone and out of town for most of January, it is nice to settle back into some normal routine and not have to live out of a suitcase for a while! January did bring about the death of my last fish AND a plant I got last fall, so that was a little rough...but life goes on!

February living.
February St. Louis far

Found a fun Mexican place downtown that serves delicious Margaritas! Had a lovely girl's night last week that was MUCH needed - it seemed like I hadn't seen any St. Louis friends in forever!

Most recently, last weekend Kevin, Jordan, and I spent the better part of Saturday at St. Louis Mardi Gras. We did lots of walking, watched some of the parade, and even managed to run into some of our other friends who were downtown too! Fun day! I am thankful that I have great friends to explore with :)

Newest life event coming up - another Half Marathon!

I signed up for this race at the end of last year, but with everything going since Christmas, it has kinda been on the back of my radar. But needless to say, I am REALLY excited to run another Half Marathon. I had such a great time running my first one in October. This time, Kevin is going to run too, so I am excited to get to run with him for his first half!!! April 7th is the official race date, so if you are around St. Louis that day, I appreciate fans :)

Wednesday, February 13


Hello February! WHAT?!
I am not quite sure how we are already 44 days in this year, but here we are. January was a busy month of traveling for me, which brought many blessings and opportunities for ministry (High School Ski Retreat & 8th Grade Retreat) and to see people I love (NADCE + Mid-year meetings for DCE Interns back at college). Because of being out of town so much though, I feel like February is coming out of no where and its kinda knocking me back a bit.

I don't know if any of you ever feel stressed or discouraged, but I would be willing to bet that I cannot alone in these feelings. Partly I know that for me, the extra stress I have been feeling as of late has to do with being out of routine - physically and spiritually. Yay for being human. One day out of routine and it just becomes that much harder to jump back into it. Thankfully, I have a forgiving fiancĂ© when I am way too cranky at the end of day and dear friends who challenge me to not settle for stress when God's word is at my fingertips.

So today, I am thankful. Simply put its great encouragement to me all the various ways God finds to show me His love daily. This does not mean all stress in my life right now has just vanished or anything, but it does mean that I can be thankful I do not face any day alone. 

I hope that if any of you reading this are experiencing stress or discouragement or whatever really, that you can be in some way encouraged today. Jump into God's word, spend time talking to a good friend over coffee, take a walk outside, breath deeply and be thankful for another get the idea - know you are not alone in how you feel :)


Coming tomorrow: A Valentine, a wedding planning update & some pictures from end of January & beginning of February adventures!